Accessing the transcript in Portal

  • Last updated on October 9, 2019 at 4:20 AM

With the Training Transcript page, you can view and keep track of the online, external, and classroom training you have acquired. 

To access the Training Transcript page in the Portal, go to the Menu and select Training Transcript.

How to navigate the Training Transcript page

Total Training Hours

The total amount of time you have spent in training and the total number of training points displays at the top of the screen.

Training Transcript

The Training Transcript shows you all the training that you have completed.


By default, the page shows all columns on the page. You can show or hide columns by going to the Show/Hide Columns drop-down and selecting or de-selecting columns. 

 The following columns are available:

  • Training Title: The name of the course - you cannot hide this column. 
  • Training Provider: The name of the organisation that provided the course. 
  • Type: The type of training provided - such as online training, classroom training, or external training.
  • Status: Shows what stage of progress you at with the course; the statuses are Completed, In-progress, and Not started.
  • Started Date: The date you started the course. 
  • Completion Date: The date you completed the course.
  • Deadline Date: The date the course is due.
  • Refresher Date: The date the course expires and is due for a refresher (this is when you need to retake the course for it to remain a valid training record).
  • Hours: The number of hours you spent completing the training.
  • Training Points: The number of training points you achieved when taking that course.
  • Score: The result (score) you received when you completed the course; this is a percentage amount.

You can search for a training record via the search box. You can search by name or by objective ID.

Ten records display on the page at one time; if you have more than ten records, you scroll to the bottom of the page to move between record page numbers.

You can filter the records listed in the transcript screen by clicking on the Filter Options button, which expands to reveal these filter options - Training Type, Completion Date, Online/External Training Status, and Classroom Training Status.

You need to click the Filter Result button for your filter options to take effect.

Training Type: You can filter your training by the type of training it falls under; the training types are: All Training Types (the default), Online Training, Classroom Training, and External Training.

Completion Date: You can filter your training by using a specified date range. You do this by selecting the Set date range option from the Completion Date drop-down, and then by setting a From Date and a To Date.

Online/External Training Status: This enables you to filter by the status of the course. By default, Completed is selected. You can also select In Progress and Not Started. 

Classroom Training Status: This enables you to filter your training records based on the statuses configured in the Classroom Booking System.

Print or Export to CSV

Your Training Transcript can be printed or exported to a CSV format. 

  • Click the Print button to print your transcript. When printed, a print preview of the transcript is displayed in the browser.
  • Click on the Export CSV button to download the transcript in a CSV file, which gives you the ability to further manipulate the data in Excel.

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